1. What is this?

This is the performance monitor of the Linux Security Modules (LSM).

2. Description of each version

 LSMPMON Ver.0.74

 LSMPMON with SystemCall Ver.0.1

 LSMPMON with SystemCall Ver.0.13

 LSMPMON for Linux Kernel

3. Installation Manual

  1. Copy the patch file to the directory where the Linux kernel source code exists, use the patch command.
    $ patch -p1 < [patchfile] 
    However, it only tested in Linux, it possibly causes errors during the patch.

  2. Recompile the kernel.
    If you are using with SystemCall system, that needed to disable kernel preemption.
  3. Mount securityfs.
    # mount -t securityfs securityfs /sys/kernel/security
    When you write in /etc/fstab, add the following command.
    ecurityfs /sys/kernel/security securityfs rw 0 0
    Securityfs has been introduced in Linux 2.6.14. Therefore, in older kernels, LSMPMON will not work. Please fix LSMPMON to use procfs.

4. Usage

5. Others



If you want to contact for us here please.
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Yamauchi(Tabata) Laboratory
E-mail: lsmpmon(at)